Physical Education Subject Leader: Mr A Poppy
By embedding a high-quality physical education curriculum, it helps to inspire our pupils to excel in competitive sports; providing opportunities for pupils to sustain their health and fitness.
We aim to provide pupils with a range of physical activities that will help them develop their skills and improve their levels of fitness. We will help them to understand the importance of diet and exercise and how this can contribute to a healthy lifestyle resulting in improved physical and mental well-being.

At Rosherville, we are working hard towards improving the health and well-being of all members of our community. On a daily basis, the children will come together and join in a ‘5 in 5’ exercise program where they take part in 5 exercises that will help them to build fitness, improve mental well-being and wake them up ready for the day ahead.
We also offer a number of clubs that the children are able to join, providing them with extracurricular activities. Over the year, we have had Netball, Cheerleading and cricket as well as a sports club that has covered football, dodgeball, and rugby.
The National Curriculum for PE aims to ensure that all pupils:
- develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
- are physically active for sustained periods of time
- engage in competitive sports and activities
- lead healthy, active lives.

Physical Education in Each Stage
In EYFS, pupils will learn a variety of skills including dancing, jumping, hopping, sprinting and more. Throughout the year, pupils will participate in competitive games to prepare them for our multi-skills Sports Day at the end of the year.
In KS1, pupils will participate in numerous activities to enable them to get confidence in PE. Pupils will build on their existing skills learnt in EYFS for better balance, accuracy and stamina. Children will be learning gymnastics, games, dance and learning about health and fitness.
In KS2, pupils will adapt their PE knowledge and skills to advance, succeed and excel in team games. Pupils will demonstrate a wide range of actions with precision, control and fluency. As well as being introduced to athletics and outdoor adventures.
In Year 4, as part of the curriculum, pupils will begin swimming lessons. This starts with swimming 20 meters across the pool and swimming 10 meters front crawl and backstroke, to finally swimming 25 meters unaided and being able to carry out own life-saving skills in year 6.
Physical Education Progression
We develop our pupil’s PE understanding through essential skills; growing their depth of knowledge year on year. Through the use of ‘end of year expectations’, we are able to monitor their progress and allocate extra support and adaptations to the curriculum for pupils to maintain a strong Physical Education.
SEND Information
PE lessons are adapted for SEND and more able pupils are challenged and given opportunities to lead and demonstrate.