Finance and Funding

Pupil Premium Funding

Pupil Premium is additional funding transferred directly from the Department for Education into schools’ budgets to provide support for disadvantaged children i.e. those currently eligible for free school meals (FSM), or have been for the last six years, children who are looked after (i.e. by fostering or adoption) and for children of service personnel. However, it is not ring-fenced to those children and can be spent in any way that the school sees fit, so long as the school is able to demonstrate that the specific needs of the FSM pupils have been addressed and how this additional – and specific – funding, which is intended to compensate for disadvantage, is being used for this purpose.

The Pupil Premium is allocated in the order that support is given to those children identified as being entitled to and in receipt of free school meals. School leaders and the Governing Body have ensured that our school is tracking the progress of pupils in receipt of free school meals (FSM) to demonstrate how effectively the school is using the Pupil Premium.

Schools are required to publish information to parents about how all Pupil Premium funding has been used and what the impact has been on learning, attainment and pupil well-being and/or pastoral care – particularly if the child has a parent on active service with the armed forces.

It is the governors’ responsibility to ensure that Pupil Premium funding is allocated effectively to obtain the best possible value for money. This is achieved by a named governor monitoring the progress of pupils receiving Pupil Premium, via book looks, talking with the staff, meetings with the Pupil Premium Co-ordinator, and discreet classroom observations; all this to ensure these vulnerable pupils and keeping pace with their peers.

Pupil Premium statements include evaluation of previous academic year.

Pupil Premium (2023-2026)
Pupil Premium (2020-2023)
Pupil Premium (2021-2022)

Sports Premium Funding

In the document below you will find detailed information linked to our Sports Premium spending for 2020-21. The funding, provided by the government, has to be used to improve the provision of physical activities for the children at the school in both the short and long term.


Sports Premium funding is also used to support swimming. At Rosherville Primary Academy, we visit Cygnet Leisure Centre, in Gravesend, to complete our National Curriculum requirements for Swimming and Water Safety. Please find our results in our Sports Premium Strategy Documents below.


cygnet swimming pool where rosherville academy goes swimming
Sports Premium Evaluated (2023-2024)
Sports Premium Evaluated (2022-2023)
Sports Premium (2021-2022)
Sports Premium (2020-2021)


Rosherville CofE Academy does not exceed the Executive Pay bracket.

Click here to go to the Aletheia Trust Finance page where you will find:

  • Executive Pay
  • Financial Statement
  • Gender Pay Gap Report